#Information about shadowlands wow level squish code#
I started with three characters at level 50 after the squish and have managed to work half a dozen more up to that level, giving me a total of nine at the cap now. We're expecting a level squish in Shadowlands and the first signs come from the official WoW Armory where a piece of code slipped through as level requirements for older raids have been decreased in some instances. The level squish is really just a way to simplify the current WoW leveling system before numbers grow too high. The Shadowlands expansion comes with many leveling changes including a level squish Level 120 players were squished in Pre-Patch to level 50 with the max. Answering common questions about the Shadowlands Level Squish Going over heirlooms, what level various alts can expect to be squished to, when you can transmog various expansion's mog, the. Since the big level squish hit last month with the Shadowlands pre-patch, I have been playing a lot more retail WoW than WoW Classic. Thankfully, the pre-patch has now released, so players can experiment with some of these changes already. When World of Warcraft: Shadowlands releases, it will have several noticeable changes. At long last, WoW is getting a level squish. Basically, all the level squish and speed changes mean that players can get to the current max more quickly, before then getting into new leveling territory at 50-60 (which would've been something like 120-140 using the old leveling system). This is likely the most interesting and exciting change coming with Shadowlands. This is because levels 50-60 are new to the World of Warcraft expansion, and will add more power and new growth to characters in Shadowlands. Additionally, players shouldn't expect to level up as quickly as they did with Shadowlands beta characters.

However, after level 50, the leveling speed will slow down.