Complete, easy-to-follow instructions included. INSTALLATION IS EASY! - Simply replace the imported cabinet gun, siphon hose and pickup tube of imported cabinet with those of USA-made Skat Blast® Upgrade Kit. (Overall pickup tube length - 18", tube OD - 5/8", mounting tab - 4-1/8" on center.) Skat Blast USA Cabinet Gun & Pickup Tube Upgrade Kit This is a complete made in USA Cabinet Gun Kit made to replace the operating system of most imported. Pickup tube is designed for fast, powerful abrasive flow. Genuine Skat Blast® Pickup Tube which has been the standard of the industry in Skat Blast® Cabinets for over 40 years.

2 ft Clear Siphon Hose won't kink or crack. Skat Blast USA Cabinet Gun & Pickup Tube Upgrade Kit for Older Skat Blast Sandblasting Cabinets & Most Imported Cabinets, Made in USA, US-30.Smooth Abrasive Flow - no surging or abrasive spitting.High Velocity Blast gun has larger air passages for more power. Need parts or accessories No problem You can find Genuine Skat Blast Turbine parts, HVLP Paint Spray Guns, and HVLP Turbine maintenance kits at . Skat Blast® Cabinet 18-1/4'L Pickup Tube, Made in USA 6442-04 39.95 + 10.Made-in-USA Skat Blast® Power Gun - the same gun used on trigger-operated Skat Blast® Cabinets! Has full-hand trigger for operator comfort.In addition, our complete catalog is included for future availability of parts and nozzles. Includes clear instructions and installs in minutes with simple hand tools. It also provides continual and immediate availability of nozzles and wear items as needed. Skat Blast Usa Cabinet Gun Pickup Tube Upgrade Kit Made In Usa Us-30. It gives you the benefit of USA blasting technology at an economical price. Gun Body For Skat Blast Hi-pro High-volume Trigger Cabinet Gun Usa 6435-00. This is a complete made-in-USA Cabinet Gun Kit made to replace the operating system of most imported sandblasting cabinets on four legs.